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2010年08月19日 22:09



Revenues from television broadcasting, comprising both advertising and subscription revenues, which accounted for 67.1% of the Group's total revenue for the six months ended 30 June 2010, increased by 20.7% to approximately HK$747,279,000 (six months ended 30 June 2009 : HK$618,885,000).  The segmental result for television broadcasting recorded a profit of approximately HK$336,682,000 for the six months ended 30 June 2010 (six months ended 30 June 2009 : HK$217,670,000).

The Group's flagship channel, Phoenix Chinese Channel, accounted for 47.9% of the Group's total revenue for the six months ended 30 June 2010 and showed an increase of 14.1% to approximately HK$533,255,000 (six months ended 30 June 2009 : HK$467,434,000).  Phoenix InfoNews Channel's revenue accounted for 13.3% of the Group's total revenue for the period, and increased by 47.8% to approximately HK$147,616,000 (six months ended 30 June 2009: HK$99,880,000).

The total revenue of Phoenix Movies Channel, Phoenix North America Chinese Channel, Phoenix Chinese News and Entertainment Channel and others, increased by 28.8% as compared to the same period last year to approximately HK$66,408,000 (six months ended 30 June 2009 : HK$51,571,000).

The new media operations, which make Phoenix programming available on the internet and on a number of mobile telecommunications networks, contribute to raising the Group's profile as a television broadcaster.  The revenue of new media business increased to HK$245,047,000 (six months ended 30 June 2009: HK$29,418,000).  The profit from operations, which represents profit before tax, interest expense and changes in fair value of preference share liability, of new media increased to HK$39,251,000 (six months ended 30 June 2009:  HK$4,760,000).  The significant increase in new media operations was due to the expansion of business which included acquiring the economic benefits of two mainland companies at the end of year 2009.

Following the maturity of the outdoor media business, the revenue and segment profit increased to approximately HK$90,936,000 and HK$6,895,000 respectively (six months ended 30 June 2009: revenue HK$19,241,000 and segment loss HK$22,723,000). 


The Group's performance during the first half of 2010 has been extremely positive, with a 60.7% increase in revenue over the same period last year.  The fact that this outcome follows a good performance in 2009, when revenue grew by 9.9%, underscores that the Group's business model is relevant to the current international economic environment. 

This period's positive results came from both a major increase in revenue for the core television business, but also very significant revenue being generated by the new areas into which the Group has been moving in recent years, namely the new media and the outdoor advertising LED businesses.  The strong performance by the two main channels, the Phoenix Chinese Channel and the Phoenix InfoNews Channel ("InfoNews"), presumably reflects the fact that the Chinese economy has weathered the Global Financial Crisis without major damage, and that advertising companies are now actively seeking to build their brand names and images after the period of caution caused by negative global trends.  Commentary by marketing analysts has identified a general growth in advertising expenditure as the international economy recovers from the financial challenges of the last two years, which means that the Phoenix performance over this period might reflect a broader trend.  While the Group's excellent results might be the consequence of the recovery of the international economy, the fact that this half year's results follow a positive performance last year represents encouraging evidence that the Phoenix model should continue to function well as the current economic environment continues to evolve.

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