2011-06-01 10:41 0人参与 0条评论

那道题的要求是:Read what Lazy Duck says today, rewrite what Lazy Duck, the animals and the farmers did yesterday.意思就是,用第三人称和过去时态,把“懒鸭”所说的下面这段话予以重写:   I live on a farm with many animals. Everyday I waddle around the farmyard. The cat prowls up and down looking for mice. The hens scratch and scrape looking for food. The farmers scratch in the garden with their hoes.两个陌生的单词是prowl和scrape。不翻词典,当然也能猜出是什么意思,但是杜平过去确实没有遇到过。杜平相信,在他的周围,即便是英语比他好的成年人,也不一定会用这样的词汇来描述老鼠和母鸡的动作。图为2008年,杜尚别和妈妈对谈。
