Ping DU
2017年05月15日 10:44:31
“Neither Leftism nor Rightism, combining East and West, interconnected from within and outside
“Neither Leftism nor Rightism, combining East and West, interconnected from within and outside, hither and tither”
Ping Du graduated from Shanghai Foreign Language Insititue, majoring in both English language and literature and international journalism. He worked in China Radio International from 1986 to1995 and had been the chief reporter to EU and NATO, the director of current affairs department and the chief foreign correspondent. Afterwards, he went to Singapore and worked in Lianhe Zaobao for 15 years as its editorial writer, editor of review and commentary columnist expressiong his perspective on world affairs through his writings.
Ping was awarded the first prize of Chinese News Award, special award of thefirst China Broadcasting Award. He also won the title of the first Nation Wide Top Hundred News Worker and the title of the first Top Ten Outstanding Young Persons by the National Department of Radio and Television.
In 2010, Ping joined PhoenixTV as a commentator specialized in international politics and foreign affairs critics. His style is precise and profound with a macroscopic point of view. From radio to newspaper then television, he never felt tired of the series of cross boundary self challenges and was remarked as a super media guy. He seems serious and authoritative in front of the camera. But behind the screen he has an open and easy-going personality.
He is the host of The Tactics, Summary of Press and Chief Editor’s Time.
[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]
责任编辑:石冰 PV028
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