


“The beauty of Phoenix is because of the glory of its rebirth. At Phoenix, there are opportuni

“The beauty of Phoenix is because of the glory of its rebirth.  At Phoenix, there are opportunities and challenges at the same time, and the complete platform forges a completely new human life.”

Jay Wan studied Radio and Television Science and Law at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and worked as a presenter on Hunan Economic Television and on China Central Television’s Economic and Finance Channel, presenting economic and tourist programs.

In 2010, Jay Wan got a MBA at the Peking University, and then studied for a second master’s degree in Global Finance in the United States at Fordham University.  In 2013, he joined Phoenix Television as a news presenter, and presented a lot of economic programs, including “Financial Journal” 《金石財經》, “Financial Insight with Mr. Shih” 《石評大財經》.  In 2014 he developed a new identity and began to present the popular program “Updated Military Status” 《軍情觀察室》.

Jay Wan loves music and sports, and is a piano performer at prefessional-level and performed at many musical events since he was a student.

Beginning in 2015, Jay Wan became one of the important members of the team that produced “Omni Talk” 《全媒體大開講》, and was deeply involved in the planning and production of the program, and often put his cultural talents in the program.

Languages:  Mandarin; English 


[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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