


“Know the world well, and then love it.”Tong Tian graduated from the Sichuan University

“Know the world well, and then love it.”

Tong Tian graduated from the Sichuan University of Media and Communications majored in Journalism, and was a research student at the Communication University of China. In 2009, she participated in the Phoenix Miss Chinese Cosmos pageant, and received a distinction award, and also received the award for being the most photogenic contestant at the same time.

When she was a student, Tong Tian received a national scholarship and a provincial top-level student award.  And at the 2008 Beijing Olympics she had the opportunity to be the leader of the Spanish delegation as it entered the main stadium.

In 2010, Tong Tian joined Phoenix Satellite Television, and took part in the shooting of the large-scale action documentary “Global Walk” 《大地尋夢》, and followed the production team travelling from south to north China, and saw evidence that China was becoming greener.  As a consequence of her promotion of concern about the protection of forests and the green environment, Tian Tong received the seventh annual Green Treasure Award in 2014.  In the same year, Tian Tong in her capacity as a reporter participated in the “The Silk Road Miles” 《絲綢之路萬里行》, traveling from Xian to Italy along the Silk Road, and reported every step of the journey.

Tian Tong loves traveling and sports, and charity work, and her style as a presenter emphasizes knowledge and gentleness, intimacy and strength.  She participated in the Phoenix-funded movie “Switch” 《富春山居圖》, and is now the presenter of “The Forum” 《世紀大講堂》and “Promise 2020” 《承諾2020》.

Languages:  Mandarin

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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凤凰新闻 天天有料