


“Squares have corners, and every thing is fixed; circles have round edges, and can hold ten th

“Squares have corners, and every thing is fixed; circles have round edges, and can hold ten thousand items.  Where squares and circles meet is the place where Phoenix maintains its beliefs and works hard to open new lands.”

Ren Ren studied English Broadcasting Journalsim at the Communication University of China, was a Master’s Degree research student in the International Journalism of the Communication University of China, and then did an MBA at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He also received scholarships to study the Financial Media Program and the Private Equity Program at the Tsinghua PBCSF and the Peking University HSBC Business School.  

Ren Ren joined Phoenix Television in 2005 and his productions have received a silver award at the Chicago International Television Festival, a bronze prize at the Telly Awards, and a second Prize Winner of the Outstanding Chinese Documentaries Awards. He was also named at the International Emmy’s for investigative news reporting.

In late 2011, Ren Ren participated in the “China Rising Leaders’ visit to America” program that was organised by the US think tank, the National Burean of Asian Research(NBR), which conducted by a committee of over 20 experts and co-chaired by the former US ambassador to China, Stapleton Roy, and Li Cheng, the head of the China Section of the Brookings Institution, selecting seven candidates to visit the United States out of the several hundred applicants.  Ren Ren was the only Chinese language media representative invited to participate, and met the then Assistant Secretary of State for Asian affairs, a number of White House officials, some Congressmen, commercial leaders, and specialist scholars.

Ren Ren’s style of presentation is stable and mature, with an emphasis on the accuracy of the news, thorough analysis, good management of economic and financial news, and current political and other categories of news.  He is currently the presenter of From Phoenix to the World《鳳凰全球連線》, Omni Talk《全媒體大開講》, Phoenix Evening Express《時事直通車》 and other programs.

Languages:  Mandarin; English


[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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凤凰新闻 天天有料