
Julia LIN


Julia Lin graduated from Wenzao Ursuline College of Language, where she studied Spanish and English,

Julia Lin graduated from Wenzao Ursuline College of Language, where she studied Spanish and English, and then studied at the School of Communication and Journalism of the University of Southern California in U.S.

Since she was young, Julia Lin has been keen to work on news, and first worked for Taiwan ERA News TV and Macau Asia Satellite TV. In 2010, Julia Lin began to work at the Phoenix news office in Taiwan, concentrating on political, cross-Strait and economic news.  In 2012, she went to Palau, and conducted interviews about the killing of some Chinese fishermen, and had an exclusive interview with the President of Palau and expressed the view of Chinese about this killing incident, which received much praise in China. 

In 2015, Julia Lin moved to Hong Kong and became a news presenter, and continued to follow the pulse of the news, and watched the entire world from the viewpoint of the Chinese people.  Julia Lin is now a presenter on the “China News Live”《華聞大直播》. 

Languages:  Mandarin, English, Spanish


[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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凤凰新闻 天天有料