
Jade LIN


“My news ideal is not just to be on the presenter’s stage, but I hope to go to the real

“My news ideal is not just to be on the presenter’s stage, but I hope to go to the real location of news, and discover news at the first hand.”

After graduated with distinction from the faculty of Political Science at the National Taiwan University, Jade Lin joined Taiwan’s UFO Radio as the Program Host.  She then achieved high academic standings by completing her master’s degree in Mass Communications at the University of Leicester, and master’s degree in European Community Studies at University of Bonn.

She later returned to Taiwan and developed her career, working at Next TV and at CTi TV, and later went to the disaster area in Japan to report on the 311 Earthquake, and also worked to organize a series of interviews of financial and economic experts and groups with few resources and little wealth.

Jade Lin’s broadcasting style is extremely pure and fresh, yet simple and easy to understand, touches people’s hearts, encouraging interactions with her audience.  She loves good food and traveling.

In 2012 Jade Lin joined Phoenix Television, and the programs that she presents include “Phoenix Morning Express” 《鳳凰早班車》“Global Online” 《天下被網羅》, and “Financial Journal” 《金石財經》.

Languages:  Mandarin, English, German

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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