
Nicolas LI


“Don’t naively broadcast traces of events, present news in a lively way, and let the aud

“Don’t naively broadcast traces of events, present news in a lively way, and let the audience feel the existence of feeling of exchanges.”

Nicolas Li graduated in 2006 from Communication University of China majored in International Journalism, and went to study overseas in 2007, and received a Master Degree in Media Studies at The New School in New York, and was also an intern editor in the artistic design section of The New Yorker magazine.

In 2008 he served as the interpreter for the 2008 Beijing Olympics team of NBC News.

After returning to China, Nicolas Li worked on the CCTV English Channel as a news editor, reporter and presenter.

In 2013, Nicolas Li joined Phoenix Satellite Television as a news presenter.

Nicolas Li’s broadcasting style is full of self-confidence, and he has the advantage of bilingual skills and an international perspective.  He now serves as a presenter on “From Phoenix to the the World” 《鳳凰全球連線》and “Focus” 《鳳凰焦點關注》.

Languages:  Mandarin, Cantonese, English



[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

  • 好文
  • 钦佩
  • 喜欢
  • 泪奔
  • 可爱
  • 思考


凤凰新闻 天天有料