
Lily SIU


Lily SIULily Siu is an all rounded news anchor person and television presenter. After joining Phoeni

Lily SIU

Lily Siu is an all rounded news anchor person and television presenter. After joining Phoenix Hong Kong Channel in 2011, she contributed by using her talent in hosting the channel's news programs. Lily also participated in producing and hosting “Cross –Straits Explorer", a current affairs program focusing on the lighter side of the community on both sides of the Taiwan Straits. She also made her appearance on the talk show program “Speak Out Hong Kong”, where she interviewed local cultural icons to discuss their respective fields of work and regional trends.

Prior to joining Phoenix Hong Kong Channel and after graduating from the University of Auckland in 2003, Lily spent 4 years in Phoenix InfoNews Channel as a news reporter focusing on Hong Kong daily news; she covered the news story on Hong Kong tour bus crash in Egypt, and the Egyptian ferry sinkage in the Red Sea.

Throughout her career, Lily worked at other local TV Station as a news anchor and later as an entertainment presenter during 2007- 2010.

[责任编辑:孙雨萱 PV033]

责任编辑:孙雨萱 PV033

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  • 泪奔
  • 可爱
  • 思考


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