
Angel LEE


Angel LEEAngel LEE was determined to be a journalist since she was a child. After graduated from Hon

Angel LEE

Angel LEE was determined to be a journalist since she was a child. After graduated from HongKong Baptist University, majoring in Journalism, Angel spent the past decade asa reporter, specializing in Hong Kong and mainland's political and securitynews. Throughout her career, Angel had worked as a correspondent stationing inBeijing and Guangzhou, covering numerous significant events, including SichuanEarthquake, riots in Tibet, Beijing Olympics, the launching of the ShenZhouNo.7, and the annual meetings of NPC and CCPCC.

Angel joined Phoenix TV in 2014 as the deputy news editor and anchor. Inaddition to her participation in the daily news production, Angel is alsocurrently one of the editors for the current affairs program "Hong Kongperspectives" .

[责任编辑:孙雨萱 PV033]

责任编辑:孙雨萱 PV033

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凤凰新闻 天天有料