
Sammy CHIN


Sammy CHINSammy Chin is a veteran media journalist specialized in financial analysis. He graduated f

Sammy CHIN

Sammy Chin is a veteran media journalist specialized in financial analysis. He graduated from the renowned University of Southern California with a degree in Economics.

Sammy has over 20 years solid experience in writing, producing and hosting financial news programs. Sammy has worked at CNBC and two other local media. He has also co-hosted broadcasting event Forum on Government Budget Speech.

Sammy joined Phoenix Infonews Channel in 2007 as the producer of the Phoenix’s daily financial program Stock Market Express, among others. He joined Phoenix Hong Kong Channel in 2011 as financial news presenter and the producer of the financial program Money Bang (2011-2015).

[责任编辑:孙雨萱 PV033]

责任编辑:孙雨萱 PV033

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