


Coco CHEN“News is an important force to save the nation! In this information age, it takes cou


“News is an important force to save the nation! In this information age, it takes courage and vision for our dream and persistence in how we identify different thoughts, extract knowledge and in how we choose and judge. Let’s experience together with Phoenix and keep growing.”

Coco claimed herself as a “news ADHD kid”. She is fron Taiwan and had been a reporter with a solid interviewing experience. After following so many big and small news incidents within Taiwan in the past, she knows the Taiwan society like the back of her own hand and sets up a deeply connected social network. In 2004, Coco took up a new challenge in becoming a legistator candidate jointly nomitated by the New Party and the KMT for the first time.

Coco has a frank and outgoing personality. She loves sports and is full of talents. Other than playing piano, composing music and joining the choir, she even published piano pieces. Coco is a truelly accomplished woman.

Coco hosts the Phoenix Buster Series: Harmony Society in Phoenix Chinese Channel. In addition to that, starting from 2015, she deeply involves herself in the production of the new programme OmniTalk. As chief producer, she is the helmsman in the programme’s content planning.

[责任编辑:孙雨萱 PV033]

责任编辑:孙雨萱 PV033

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  • 思考


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