
Sean JAO


Sean is a news anchor/reporter based in the Hong Kong Phoenix TV Info News Headquarters.Sean joined

Sean JAO

Sean is a news anchor/reporter based in the Hong Kong Phoenix TV Info News Headquarters.

Sean joined Hong Kong Phoenix TV in 2012. He served as a news anchor and correspondent in the Washington, DC Bureau and covered the 2012 US presidential election plus many other major events. In 2013, he transferred to the Los Angeles Bureau where he covered breaking news including the California wildfires, US-China related summits and the San Bernardino gun shooting. 

Sean started his broadcasting career in 2008. Before joining Hong Kong Phoenix TV, he was a news anchor and reporter with Era News in Taiwan. Sean is a 2008 graduate of Chinese Culture University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism.

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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