
Lucie LIU


While still studying at the Beijing Broadcasting Institute (nowUniversity of Media in China), majori

While still studying at the Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now University of Media in China), majoring in International Journalism, Lucie Liu had already been recruited by the international Lagardère Media Group in China. 

At the same time, she was hosting "Common Ground", the first bilingual (Mandarin-English) TV talk show. 

She is now chief reporter / host in Paris for Europe with Phoenix TV.

She reports daily news from Europe, decrypts and portraits famous people and follows official visits of Chinese leaders in the region. 

She has interviewed most of the heads of states and leaders of international organizations in Europe.

She also reported from the front line of major conflicts in the Middle East.  

She has been awarded best reporting team of 2009, Libya reporters team award in 2012, best reporter of the year 2014, and also led her team to the best live-report of the year 2015 for the Phoenix Infonews channel.

In addition, thanks to her fluency in three languages and her elegant style, she is now a major host of important events in Europe, as well as invited-anchor in foreign medias about Asian topics.   

Being fluent in French, Mandarin and English, after a decade living in Europe, her background is now a rich mix of occidental and Chinese cultures. That's one of the reasons why she is the main host of most major Chinese events in Europe.

Based on her charm, popularity and great professional credibility, her work is helping breeding strong links between people of both these continents, by letting them improve their mutual understanding and strengthening their communication.

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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凤凰新闻 天天有料