
Bingru WANG


BingruWangis an international journalist who has coveredkey events worldwide and has conducted inter

Bingru Wang is an international journalist who has covered key events worldwide and has conducted interviews with top global leaders.She has been with Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV since 2010, primarily covering US-China relations and US foreign policy. Within these six years, Bingru has covered myriad international events, such as Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visits to the U.S, and has traveled to Cuba to cover in-depth the re-establishment U.S.-Cuba relations, including President Obama and Secretary Kerry’s trip to Havana. She has boarded military aircraft carrier to cover 2014 RIMPAC exercises. And she has conducted authoritative and insightful interviews with key world leaders, such as the U.S. Secretary of the State John Kerry, the Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi, AIIB Secretary General Jin Liqun, former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge, former U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao etc.

Before Phoenix TV, Bingru was a journalist for Chinese Media Net in Washington D.C.  She also worked with NBC Universal in 2008-2009. Bingru received a bachelor’s degree in Beihang University in Beijing and a master’s degree in Arts Administration at Boston University. Bingru was born in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. She plays Zheng, the Chinese harp.

Exclusive interview with United States Secretary of State John Kerry in 2016

2016 DNC at Philadelphia

Covering Bernie Sanders Campaign in New Hampshire

Waiting for President Xi Jinping's plane landing in Andrew Air Force bace in 2015

Interviewing Chinese Amb. Cui Tiankai

Exclusive interview with AIIB general Jin Liqun 

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

  • 笑抽
  • 泪奔
  • 惊呆
  • 无聊
  • 气炸


凤凰新闻 天天有料