
Yishan LI


Current Position:ReporterEntry Year and Position:October1, 2014ReporterEducation:Hsuan Chuang Univer

Yishan LI

Current Position:Reporter

Entry Year and Position:October 1, 2014 Reporter


Hsuan Chuang University, Department of journalism

Prior Experience:

DC View – Editor

South News – Reporter

CTV– Reporter

EBC– Reporter

Phoenix TV – Reporter

Career at Phoenix/Journalism:

·   2014/11 - Taiwan Local Elections of 2014 (Commonly known as the Nine-In-One Elections)

·   2014/12 - Chen Shui-bian Medical Parole

·   2015/02 - TransAsia Airways Plane Crash

·   2015/06 - Formosa Fun Coast Explosion Accident

·   2015/07 - Student Strike and Occupies the Ministry of Education

·   2015/08 - Typhoon Soudelor Hits Taiwan

·   2015/08 - Shanghai, Taipei City Forum

·   2016/02 - Southern Taiwan, Kaohsiung, Meinong District Earthquake

·   2016/05 - Exclusive Interview with Taiwan’s Justice Minister Luo Ying-shay

·   2016/06 - The Flight Attendants of China Airline goes on Strike

·   2016/07 - Taiwan Songshan Station Railway Explosion

·   2016/07 - Liaoning Group of Mainland Tourists Burned Car Accident

Awardsand Achievements:

On July 2015, I wrote and published the topic “Mainland China Students’ Four Year Journey Pursuing Their Bachelor Degree in Taiwan”, which was a 25 minute featured in-depth story condensed from weeks of interviewing. It was aired on"News Zone", one of Phoenix TV's program. This special feature was praised by many, and other overseas TV stations have purchased copyright for this episode to air on their own channel.

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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