
Chialu YEN


CurrentPosition :DeputyAssignment SupervisorEntryYear and Position:April 1, 2003Editor / ReporterEdu

Chialu YEN

Current Position :Deputy Assignment Supervisor

Entry Year and Position:April 1, 2003 Editor / Reporter


National Sun Yat-sen University, Foreign Languages Department

Work Experience:

1.     Sanlih E-TelevisionCo.Ltd.

Programs Planner(2000~2002)

News Editor(2002~2003)

2.      Phoenix Satellite Television (Taiwan) Limited Taiwan Branch

News Editor(2003~2004)


Senior Journalist(2011~2015)

Deputy Assignment Supervisor(2016~)

Career in Phoenix/Journalism:

Since 2004 I have worked at the Phoenix TV Taiwan as a journalist - witnessing the transition of power from the administration of Chen Shui-bian to Ma Ying-jeou, then to Tsai Ing-wen- plus numerous major events and social changes. Through professional reporting and analyses I brought Taiwan closer to the Chinese audience around the world,understand and appreciate Taiwan better.

"Was there a lot of limitation?" asked many people about my job in reporting news at the Phoenix. Indeed, Taiwan news broadcasted in China always saw restrictions and challenges. And only with delicate balance of facts and borderline wordings,plus extreme caution and skills, news can be delivered with truthfully. With that, I strived to achieve mutual understanding among people across the strait-my crucial goal in reporting news.

Being a political journalist, my major job was to report on elections, which characterize Taiwanese democratization.And I participated in reporting on each and every elections between 2004 and 2016, covering dynamics of campaigns and political changes of both DPP and KMT comprehensively, and in details with accuracy. No foreign media, particularly the Chinese or Hong Kong media, has done such a job like I did.

Additionally, I had numerous Exclusive Interviews among all media from China, Hong Kong and Macau, based on experiences and trust accumulated over the years, as follows:

1)2007,Presidential Candidate Frank Hsieh. Theme: Voicing to China; Cross-Strait policies.

2)2010,Lai, Ching-Te, Tainan mayor candidate. Theme: Cross-strait cities exchange.

3)2012,Frank Hsieh, ice-breaking visit to China. Theme: His Cross-strait ideas, on how DPP and CPC may communicate with, and understand each other . 

4)2014,Tsai Ing-wen, DPP Chairman. Theme: DPP Strategies to win the local elections.

5)2014,Ko Wen-je, Taipei city mayor-elect. Theme: His idea of running Taipei city and Cross-strait cities exchange.

Taiwan's international visibility has been limited politically. Through these reporting as special entourages to Taiwanese politicians' overseas visits, I spared no chances in putting Taiwan onto world media map:

1)2006,Ma Ying-jeou ( Taipei city mayor)'s visit to Singapore.

2)2006,Kao Chin, Su-Mei(Legislator)-led delegation to Japan in protest of the Yasukuni Shrine homage by Japanese politicians

3)2007,Frank Hsieh(Presidential Candidate)'s visits to Japan ( twice)

4)2009,President Ma Ying-jeou 's state visit to Panama and Nicaragua; and exclusive interview with Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli BERROCAL

5)2013,Su Tseng-chang(DPP Chairman)'s visit to Japan; and exclusive interview with Japan's member of the House of Representative Kishi Nobuo, brother of Prime Minister Abe Shinzo.

6)2013,joined twice the Taiwanese Investigation Team on fishing boat Guangdashing 28's sabotage incident by the Philippines coast guards

7)2015,Vincent Siew(Cross-Straits Common Market Foundation Chairman)'s delegate to APEC Summit in the Philippines. I interviewed Vincent Siew who met with US President Barack Obama, and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

8)2016,President Tsai Ing-wen 's state visit to Panama and Paraguay.

My other work visits to HK and China included the following events:

1)2009,the first "ice-breaking" exchange between two Palace Museums on both sides in 60 years

2)2012,Wu Den-yih(Vice President-elect)as delegate to the Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan, and his meetings with Li Keqiang(First Vice Premier of China)and Wang Yi(Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office)

3)2012,Frank Hsieh's visit to Xiamen and Beijing, with my exclusive report on his meeting with Wang Yi(Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office).

4)2015,Vincent Siew as delegate to the Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan, with his exclusive interview on the trip.

Reporting news on disasters have been another aspect of my professional life, which included numerous typhoons,earthquakes, and natural calamities. One of such most unforgettable experiences was the "8-8 typhoon" in 2009, when I went with the camera crew to the site by foot where was unreachable by vehicles due to broken bridges/roads,and quickly delivered the news of devastated villages to the outside world. In addition, at the 2016 major earthquake during the Chinese New Year's Eve, myteam not only rushed to the crisis scene to broadcast live on the rescue efforts in first few days after the crash of Weiguan Jinglong building in Tainan City, but helped with soliciting relieve assistances on Internet and brought in tremendous assistances after the quake.

Some of my personal gains over the years thanks to my journalist job have been: improvement in perseverance in the face of pressure, logical reasoning, on site response to sudden incidents, and crises management. Friendship among peer media men/women, rapports with the interviewees, plus intertwined networking among the above-mentioned groups have all enriched my professional life over the years.

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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