
Fendi SU Chingfen


CurrentPosition:Director of OperationsEntry Year and Position:December24, 2001Programme Co-ordinatio

Fendi SU Chingfen

Current Position:Director of Operations

Entry Year and Position:

December 24, 2001 Programme Co-ordination Manager


Bachelor degree of National Chung Hsing University

Master degree of Suzhou University

Working experiences:

1.  Reporter,News Anchor, Editor and producer of Chinese Television System.

2.  TV Host and producer of ETTV, Eastern Broadcasting Co.

3.  Instructor of Department of Mass Communication of Fu Jen University

4.  Head of public relations of Suzhou University

5.  Program manager, Director of Operations of Phoenix Satellite Television Taiwan


1.   Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Meeting in Beijing

2.   Taiwan-US Trade Negotiation

3.   Report of Taiwan Economic Assistance to Macedonia

4.   Exclusive interview of Mahathir, the Premier of Malaysia

5.   Disaster area on site report of 9-21 Taiwan Earthquake

6.   Interview of Ma Ing-Jou, Taiwan leader

7.   Interview of Hao Buo-cun

Produced Programs:

Taiwan talk show

Taiwan Weekly Focus

Liao's standpoint

Sisy's news

Hacker Zhao Shao Kang Ancient Wisdom Appreciation      

Chinese Literature Appreciation

Produced Documentary:

The Taiwan uprising of Feb. 28, 1947(春蟄驚夢-二二八還原紀事)

While Chiang Kai Shek & Chiang Ching Kuo were in Taiwan(蔣氏父子的台灣歲月)

The life of Commander Bai Chongxi (國軍將領生平紀事-小諸葛白崇禧)

The life of Commander Yan Xishan (國軍將領生平紀事-山西王閻錫山)

The life of Sun Lijen (國軍將領生平紀事-戎馬誠拙孫立人)

Lin Hwai Min and his cloud gate dance theatre(舞動春秋—林懷民和他的雲門舞集)

The host of seven sea residence-Jiang Jingguo (七海官邸的主人—蔣經國故事)

Achievenment in Ma Ying-jeou's political career (路遙識馬力-馬英九從政紀事)

Decode the Chiang Kai-shek counterattack proposal (國光殘夢-蔣介石反攻大陸計劃解密)

Disclosure of Chiang Kai-shek secret house in Taiwan(最後的禁地—蔣介石台灣行館揭祕)

Chiang Kai-shek's counter attack   (國光幻滅—蔣介石的反攻大計)

Guojun remnants in the golden triangle (異域孤軍—金三角國民黨餘部紀實)

The republic of china navy defection in 1949(易幟—1949國府海軍倒戈紀事)      

Awards and Achievements:

The life of Commander Bai Chongxi / The 17th Cross-strait relations and mainland news reporting award, Honerable Mention

六百年畫裡畫外-富春山居圖何璧傳奇/ The 16th Cross-strait relations and mainland news reporting award, Honerable Mention

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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