
Daliang HUANG


Daliang Huang currently serves as Phoenix TVShanghai -based senior correspondent. She joined Phoenix

Daliang Huang currently serves as Phoenix TV Shanghai -based senior correspondent. She joined Phoenix TV in 2003 as a correspondent.

Daliang Huang has extensive experience covering politics, economy, and breaking news from Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta area. She had exclusive interviews with many world leaders and celebrities, including former Chinese Vice Premier Zhang dejiang, former United States President Jimmy Carter, the European Commission, Romano Prodi,and former Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Katsuyaokada, Chairman of the Morgan Stanley Asia Stephen Roach, Investor Jim Rogers, Taiwan United Bamboo Gang's spiritual leader Zhang Anle, Chairman of Foxconn technology group Guo Taiming…

In 2013 Huangpu river pig corpses incident, She investigated into suspected pig farming villages, explored sources of pig corpses and revealed the truth behind the pig’s death. Her reporting won the 50th Chicago International Film Festivalfor "Investigative journalistic, documentary-type" Gold Plaque, and also won the best news documentary award of New York International Film Festival in 2014.In the same year, She also got the best documentary nomination of Monaco Monte Carlo International Television Festival.

In 2011 Wenzhou high-speed rail crash, her reporting was nominated by the International Broadcasting Union (Europe) for best news reporting.

She graduated with Bachelor's degree in journalism from Shanghai International Studies University in 2003. 

Interview with Katsuya Okada, Former Deputy prime minister of Japan  

Interview with Laurent Fabius, Former foreign minister of France

Interview with Jim Rogers, Famous Investor

Interview with Romano Prodi, Former chairman of EU Committee 

Interview with Jin Liqun, President of AIIB 

Interview with Guo Taiming, President of Foxconn

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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  • 气炸


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