


Lin Chen serves as Phoenix TV's correspondent in Beijing. She joinedPhoenix in 2006.Lin Chen is freq

Lin Chen serves as Phoenix TV's correspondent in Beijing. She joined Phoenix in 2006.

Lin Chen is frequently in the front line of breaking news fearlessly. She went to Libya in 2011 to report the civil war. She went to Japan in the same year to report the massive earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. She reports terrorist incidents many a time such as Tibet Lhasa 3.14 Riots and riots in Xinjiang.

Lin Chen is familiar with reporting political and economic news. She is the appointed journalist to follow China's top leaders' overseas visits. She got an exclusive interview with Premier Li Keqiang in 2014. She has been covering the two sessions of China since 2007 annually. She reported the first visit of Chen Yunlin, the president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits to Taiwan, which was the first time that a top mainland's official visited Taiwan from 1949.

Lin Chen has lots of exclusive reports. Her report about the Forbidden City robbery in 2011 was the first one exposed the name of the suspect. She got the very first exclusive interview with the writer Mo Yan after he won the Nobel Prize.

Lin Chen graduated with a BA in 2002, then an MA in 2006 both from the School of Journalism and Communication, Renmin University of China.  

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

  • 笑抽
  • 泪奔
  • 惊呆
  • 无聊
  • 气炸


凤凰新闻 天天有料