


Wa Leung graduated with abachelor's degree in social science from The Chinese University of Hong Kon


Wa Leung graduated with a bachelor's degree in social science from The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Wa Leung joined Phoenix TV in 2004 as a reporter, covering HongKong local news mostly and sometimes reporton news outside Hong Kong such as

2016: Philippine presidential election

2015: News andfeature story coverage of the Macau gambling industry

2014: Missing aircraft of AirAsia (Indonesia)

2013: the Philippine official vessel attacked Taiwan unarmed fishing vessel (Guang DaXing No. 28) event, follow up coverage in Philippine.

2010: Artillery Firing Incident of Yeon Pyeong Island (S.Korea), Cambodian stampede Accident,Chili Mine Disaster, Rizal Park Hostage-taking Incident in Philippine

2009: south Korean ex-president Roh Moo-hyun’s funeral

2005: Pakistan Earthquake

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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