
Terry JIANG Xiaofeng


Phoenix SatelliteTelevision (Hong Kong) July, 2007- Present·Assistant Editor-in-Chief of News


Phoenix Satellite Television (Hong Kong) July, 2007- Present

·Assistant Editor-in-Chief of News Channel

·Current Affairs Analyst

·Senior International Correspondent

In-depth news coverage from Myanmar, Libya, Philippines,India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Mongolia, North Korea, Sudan, Peru, Brazil,Venezuela and other developing countries from 2007 to 2015. Conducting an exclusive interview with ex-President Hamid Karzaiin Kabul, Afghanistan, in 2012.

Awards &publication:

Winner of Phoenix TV Annual Journalist Achievement Awards in 2009, 2011, 2012

One more Step Closerto Truth, published in 2014, Hong Kong 


·Beijing University         July, 1992-July, 1996         B.A. in Oriental language and culture


Exclusive interview with The President of Syria, Bashar al-Assad in Mar. 2017


Exclusive interview with the  President of Iraq Fuad Masum in Dec. 2016

Exclusive interview with former Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir bin Mohamad in July 2015

[责任编辑:石冰 PV028]

责任编辑:石冰 PV028

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